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contoh kalimat high cost

"high cost" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • My dad always called that paying the high cost of living.
    Ayahku selalu menyebutnya,.. ..membayar mahal untuk kehidupan.
  • Are organic fruits and veggies worth the high cost?
    Apakahbuahdansayuranorganik layak berharga mahal?
  • It was retired in 2005 due to its high cost of operation.
    Pensiun pada tahun 2005 karena tingginya biaya operasinya.
  • I'm valued at a very high cost.
    Aku bernilai sangat mahal.
  • As a result of its high costs, the project was however shelved.
    Tetapi karena biaya yang mahal, proyek ini gagal terlaksana.
  • The downside of this convenience is that there's a high cost to this.
    Namun kelemahan dari hal ini adalah biayanya sangat tinggi.
  • High cost performance excavator 300 Images & Photos
    Excavator kinerja biaya tinggi 300 Foto & Foto
  • China High Cost Performance GPS Tracking Device Manufacturers
    Cina Kinerja Tinggi Kinerja Pelacakan Perangkat GPS Produsen
  • Obtain with 10% high cost than the commons.
    memperoleh dengan 10% biaya tinggi daripada commons.
  • High cost of investment and high operating cost
    Biaya investasi tinggi dan biaya operasi tinggi
  • Why The High Cost Of Publicly Funded Cancer Drugs?
    Mengapa Biaya Tinggi Obat Kanker yang Didanai Publik?
  • Dust proof, good heat dissipation, high cost performance.
    debu bukti, disipasi panas yang baik, biaya tinggi kinerja.
  • Which brand of dry cleaners, high cost performance
    Merek pembersih kering mana, kinerja biaya tinggi
  • High cost performance excavator in spanish Images & Photos
    Excavator kinerja tinggi di Spanyol Foto & Foto
  • The SEM 632D Wheel Loader is high cost performance.
    Wheel loader SEM 632D adalah kinerja biaya tinggi.
  • High cost performance excavator in spanish Contact Now
    Excavator kinerja tinggi di Spanyol Hubungi sekarang
  • GH-CNC35 high cost performance spring machine SC
    GH-CNC35 laju berprestasi tinggi coiling spring Mesin SC
  • High cost performance mini excavator john deere Contact Now
    Mini excavator kinerja tinggi, john deere Hubungi sekarang
  • GH-CNC35 high cost performance spring machine SC
    GH-CNC35 biaya tinggi kinerja musim semi mesin SC
  • High cost performance excavator in spanish China Manufacturer
    Cina Excavator kinerja tinggi di Spanyol Produsen
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